Jones Farm Monitoring Site
Upstream Sampling
Monitoring the stream system flows allows calculating a curve of nutrients and sediment being discharged relative to flow.
Sampling Storms
Using the Siphon Type Storm Event Sampler, 8 - 10 storm events will be recorded, allowing for determining the effects of storms.
Downstream Sampling
Monitoring downstream allows calculating a curve of nutrients and sediment absorbed by the wetlands relative to flow.
Crawford Farm Monitoring Site
Storm Sampling
Site 1 is a a siphon sampler for storm events that occur in a grassed channel that conveys runoff primarily from the CAFO operation – this site will help to assess influent concentrations during storm events
Pre-Wetland Sample
At Site 2, a flow meter and composite sampler at the outflow of a settling pond will measure nutrient levels prior to flowing through the treatment wetland.
Post-Wetland Sample
At Site 3, a flow meter and a composite sampler at the outflow of the wetland will collect a flow weighted weekly sample. Using this information a total weekly load can be estimated for nitrogen and phosphorous captured by the wetlands.