Vetiver grass is a perennial plant which grows in tropical and subtropical locations throughout the world. It is highly resilient and can thrive in a wide range of soil types and climates. This grass can be propagated such that it does not produce any seeds; therefore its growth can be controlled within a closed system.
This grass is particularly apt for wastewater treatment since it grows rapidly and has extensive root systems which can grow over 10 feet in depth and are capable of impressive nutrient and water uptake at 0.4 - 0.6 L/day per mature plant.
These plants are easy to propagate by simply separating clumps into small slips which grow rapidly in a new environment. They typically reach mature height in one year, and they can be maintained by simple trimmings on an annual basis.
In addition to wastewater treatment, these plants are also effective as "sediment traps" when planted along the contour of eroding slopes. Ridge to Reefs has used vetiver traps to slow soil loss in Hawai'i, and recommend this practice for farmers with a need for erosion control.